Monday 28 April 2014

Hi Everyone,

Firstly i want to apologies for not posting sooner. I mentioned that i was going to start a blog about 2 months ago and unfortunately things got carried away. More on the reasons why later.

Before all that though, i thought  i should give you a little background as to how i came to be here.

I was a follower of a well known diet program on and off for a few years. As most  people do, i relaxed on holiday. This happened when i went down to London for a week for my sister's graduation. I was like a kid in a candy shop in Planet Organic and Infinity Food in Brighton. Love them both!!

I had already embarked on a few smoothie kicks and as recipes suggest had begun using unsweetened almond milk to make then. Regular (cow's milk) was only ever used in tea. When in London i just had almond. This was my first insight into my change as i haven't had dairy milk since. (It also showed me how reliant i was on my food, a big chunk of my luggage was food!! This continues to this day!! )I loved my smoothies, but they didnt always love me back. Digestively not great all the time. I thought it was to do with the yogurt i would sometimes add. Thinking i was dairy intolerant, seeing as i wasn't having cow's milk.. but the problem continued for a few months.

During the summer i heard about Vegan before 6 by Mark Bittman. I have always tried to keep to meat free mondays for about 5 or 6 years and now and again id go vegetarian for a week. Now i was ready to push it further. Id set myself a challenge to try it for a month. I then eventually got tested for allergies/food intolerances about 2 months into being vegan to discover that i was right, dairy doesnt like me! So that was a clear push to stay away from it. Sadly i also found that two of my favourite foods were also on the no go list - spinach and broccoli!! Both a major staple in my diet :( also some beans, and yeast were also a no. I can have all of these just in moderation. Never going to give up green smoothies or nooch!! During my transition into veganism in order to help me be inspired i came across and fell in love with more beautiful women on instagram and to this day religiously follow them and on their blogs. Emma im talking about you! @Coconutandberries and Angela @Ohsheglows her book is amazing!! One of the first blogs i started following along with another Laura (emails between us are a little confusing!!) is Laura @keepinghealthygettingstylish McKel @nutritionstripped is another early blog i started following in the summer. More recently Ella @deliciouslyella. These beautiful women have encouraged and supported me through my journey even though they dont even know it. Simply in most cases just inspiring me with yet another delicious recipe to follow.  

I have had one or two set backs.. little bumps in the road, and as all of you im sure face as well many questions, criticism, and even jokes along the way,  but im proud to say im definitely vegan now. No going back.

This was just a little insight into why ive become vegan any questions and thoughts and tips on blogging please do share!

lots of love

Laura xx


  1. Congratulations on coming this far Laura! Veganism is a journey for sure and, even after 4 years of living this way, I feel like my path is constantly evolving.
    I'm so flattered I could inspire you in some way, however small :) I'll be reading!

  2. Its lovely to read your journey hun and I know you will be making me a healthier person too along the way! Xxx Jaz
