Saturday 17 May 2014

Pulp Bread

For those who follow my instagram regularly you will know that i often juice a lot, especially since i completed Jason Vale's 5 day juice program i end up with a lot of pulp which i make into bread. Waste not want not in my house!

I started off with Ashley's @neverthehomemaker pulp bread recipe which you can find the original bread .

Each time i made it, it never came out the same, not that i minded as each and every one was yummy. It depended on the pulp to begin with, but then i ran out of other ingredients then i just started playing around with what i had and discovered more tasty recipes from the first one!! So i want to share with you two recipes, the first is more basic the other contains two of my fav ingredients!!

Juice pulp bread

1 1/2 cups of spelt flour
1/4 cup of flax
1 teaspoon of baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 oil
2 cups of vegetable juice pulp
1/2 to 1 cup almond milk

Easy to make just chuck everything into a bowl mix and then into a prepared pan (which i lined with a large muffin liner) or make into muffins. Simples. The mix with less flour will be denser and harder to mix, but don't worry.

Secret sweet pulp bread

All the same ingredients as above but instead....

switch regular oil for coconut and add a banana and a teaspoon of cinnamon!! Sounds crazy but it works! Its like a sweet and savoury banana bread.

Melt the coconut oil and mash the banana before adding to the rest of the ingredients


Enjoy. Im still working my way though a loaf i made last week. Its good with vegan butter, hummus or any nut butter! If you top it with anything else let me know what tastes good.


Laura xxx


  1. Oooh, this sounds scrummy! Especially the banana bread version. I need to do some more juicing though to get enough pulp. Have you got "The Vibrant Life Cleanse Program/e-book"? SO many juice and smoothie recipes I want to make!

  2. Thanks Emma, Yeah better get on the juicing!
    No i haven't seen that one will have to look it up. Seem to have a collection growing of e-books and such.
